英国伯明翰大学, 2013-2018, 政治科学与国际研究博士.
英国巴斯大学, 2011-2012, 国际政治硕士.
深圳大学, 2007-2011, 英语学士.
Zhiting Chen & Geoffrey C.Chen (2019):The changing political economy of central state-owned oil companies in China. The Pacific Review (SSCI-Q1). http://doi.org/10.1080/09512748.2019.1679229
Zhiting Chen (2020 forthcoming): SASAC and the governance of central state-owned enterprises in the new era. In: Zhengxu Wang and Dragan Pavlićević edited. Social and Political Change in Contemporary China. Routledge.
2019年6月‘Provincial government, private sector and the Belt Road Initiative.’ IIAS annual conference, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
2016年9月: ‘Too Big to Be Watched? The Political Control over Central State-Owned Enterprises in China.’ Development Studies Association (DSA) Annual Conference, University of Oxford, UK.
2015年1月: ‘Is SASAC an important actor in China? The Interactions between SASAC and Central SOEs.’ (Panel: Political Economy) at the Eleventh Graduate Seminar on China, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK China.
2014年9月: ‘The Developmental State model of economic governance in China’s state ownership system.’ The 25th CEA (UK) and 6th CEA (Europe) Annual Conference, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.