


DAN LIU 23/04/1988
Tél : +33 (0) 6 59 82 99 47
Email : emma_yangzhou @hotmail.com
Address : E213 LLA Créatis, 5 Allée Antonio Machado, Toulouse 31000, France



2013 - present

Doctor candidate in Modern Literature (didactic)
University of Toulouse – le Mirail, France
2010 - 2013

Graduated with a Master in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
University of Language and Culture of Beijing, China
2006 - 2010

Graduated with a Bachelor in Teaching Chinese As a Second Language
University of Jinan, China  



SEP 2013 - present  

Doctoral dissertation (Working language : English)
The role and effect of poetry in language diction and reading for children (4-8 years old)
SEP 2013 - present  

Working with Group LLALEP (Lecture Et Poésie) (Working language : French)
Regular attendance to seminars and regular presentations in University of Toulouse, France
02JUN - 06JUN2015   

10th IAIMTE Conference 2015 (Working language: English)
Accepted as round table discussion in University of Odense, Denmark
Follow-up publication (planned late 2016) : « Poetry, an implicit way to language beginners»
AUG2015 - JAN2016   

Working with Group RELIT (Recherche sur l’Enseignement de la LITtéature)

Internship(on methodology) in University of Québec en Outaouais, Canada (Working language : English)
26 SEP 2014       

Nuit européenne des chercheurs (European night of researchers)

Collaboration with another doctor candidate on the projet : Poetry and Emotion
SEP2011 - SEP2012  

Partial English translation of <The evolution of grammar> Bybee 1994 (published)
The translation of the fifth chapter and the modification of the first chapter
SEP2010 – JUN2013

Master thesis (published)
The comparison of progressive aspect among Chinese, English and French



2015 The research scholarship of Group ERLI (L’Équipe de Recherche Littératie et Inclusion) offered by University of Québec en
Outaouais, Canada
2015 The research scholarship(Aide à la mobilité 2015) co-offered by Toulouse Federal University and University of Toulouse 2
2012 The renumeration for participation to a national project : The Evolution of Grammar
2008 First prize in provincial English Competition in China: Outlook English Competition
2007 Special prize in the commercial projet of university: A Three-dimensional Language Institute
2006-2010 Excellence scholarship of university