132、人文精神的培育及其价值合理性 《江苏教育研究》No.2001.5
133、实施以德治国亟需澄清的几个理论误区 新华社内参《江苏参考》2001年第14期
134、应对“全球化”的价值理念及其道德教育难题 《教育研究》No.2002.5
135、德-法整合的法哲学原理 《welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司学报》(社科版)No.2002.3
136、物理与人理 《中国学者心中的科学与人文——科学人文关系卷》 云南教育出版社
137、“诚信”的形上道德原理及其实践理性法则 《welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司学报》(哲学版)No.2003.6
138、中国伦理理念的价值生态及其在文明互动中的意义 《中国人民大学学报》No.2003.6
139、道德教育的价值始点及其资源性难题 《教育研究》 No.2003.10
140、道德体系与市场经济的“生态相适应” 《江海学刊》 No.2004.1
141、哲学社会科学与社会文明的协调发展 《光明日报》 2004.6.8 第四版
142、道德体系的人文之根与价值之始 《人文杂志》No.2004.4
143、法哲学体系中道德—法律生态互动的价值资源难题 《天津社会科学》No.2004.4
144、高技术的伦理中道 《道德与文明》No.2004.4
145、“经济决定伦理”理论范式的合理性限度 《复旦学报》No.2004.6
146、高技术的伦理 - 道德悖论及其文化战略 《光明日报》No.2004.9.14.B4
147、韦伯伦理 - 经济理想类型的历史价值取向 《伦理学研究》No.2004.5
148、教育如何在文化上强省 《江苏教育研究》No.2004.7
149、“经济伦理”:一个虚拟命题 《中国人民大学学报》2005.1 《中国社会科学文摘》2005.3
150、“实践理性”与“伦理精神” 《哲学研究》2005.1 人大复印资料《伦理学》2005.9
151、道德形而上学的方法论体系 《哲学研究》2005.11
152、从本体世界观到生态世界观 《哲学动态》2005.5 人大复印资料《伦理学》2005.8
153、“人文素质”的教育形态及其知识生态 《教育研究》2005.8
154、韦伯伦理—经济“理想类型”的道德哲学结构 《南京大学学报》2005.5
155、论“伦理世界观” 《道德与文明》 2005.4
156、现代教育的文化矛盾 《北京师范大学学报》 2005.4
157、伦理—经济生态:一种道德哲学范式的转换 《江苏社会科学》 2005.4
158、道德体系与市场经济“相适应”的价值资源难题 《welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司学报》 2005.1
159、伦理—经济生态与江苏和谐社会建设 《南京社会科学》2005
160、意识形态、民族精神与理论学术三者的统一 《红旗文稿》 2005.12
161、和谐伦理的道德辩证法 《光明日报》2005.12.6.第八版
162、基因技术的道德哲学革命 《中国社会科学》2006.1
《高等学校文科学术文摘》2006.2 转摘
163、伦理世界“预定的和谐” 《哲学动态》2006.1
164、伦理感、道德感与“实践道德精神”的培育 《教育研究》 2006.6
165、道德哲学体系中的个体、集体与实体 《道德与文明》 2006.3
166、伦理的实体与不道德的个体 《学术月刊》 2006.5
167、道德世界“预定的和谐” 《南京政治学院学报》2006.1
168、“冲动形态的伦理”与道德教育的哲学范式 《中国德育》2006.1
169、伦理—经济概念互释中的意义对话与价值异化 《江海学刊》2006.5
171、伦理实体的诸形态及其内在的伦理—道德悖论 《中国人民大学学报》2006.6
172、伦理—经济冲动的合理体系(上) 《理论与现代化》 2006.5
173、伦理—经济冲动的合理体系(下) 《理论与现代化》 2006.5
174、耻感的道德哲学意义 《光明日报》2006.10.30第12版
175、以伦理看待发展 《江海学刊》2006.3
176、电子“信息方式”下的“伦理世界” 《中国社会科学》 2007.2
177、基因技术的“自然”伦理意义 《学术月刊》 2007.3
178、“伦”的传统及其“终结”与“后伦理时代” 《哲学研究》 2007.6,(人大复印资料《伦理学》2007.10转载)
179、道德形而上学体系由现象学向法哲学的转换及其概念过渡 《哲学动态》2007.11
180、耻感与道德体系 《道德与文明》 2007.2(人大复印资料《伦理学》2007.6转载)
181、儒家和谐伦理体系及其道德哲学意义 《道德与文明》 2007.6
182、伦理—经济“冲动的合理体系”的法哲学概念 《理论与现代化》 2007.3
183、“伦理精神”及其“价值生态》 《伦理学研究》 2007.4
184、道德形而上学体系的历史哲学结构 《学术论坛》 2007.9
185、道家伦理的精神哲学意义 《江苏行政学院学报》 2007.2
186、“经济冲动”的法哲学结构及其道德形而上学的概念转换 《welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司学报》 2007.2
187、传统文化与现代人的安身立命(专稿) 《解放日报》2008.5.4,第9版,0.8万字
188、生态文明的道德哲学形态 《天津社会科学》 2008.5
189、科技伦理的生态智慧 《江苏行政学院》2008.4
190、The meaning-dialogue in mutual interpretaion of ethical-economical concepts and its value dissmilation 《Frontiers of Philosophy in Chins》2008.6 Volume3. Number2.June2008
191、20世纪伦理—经济范式与道德哲学的理论创新 《道德与文明》2008》.5 人大复印资料,2009.1复印
192、当“理性”僭越了“精神” 《中国德育》卷首语 2008.9
193、访俄三题 《四川文学》 2008.12
194、儒释道三位一体与中国人的文化精神结构 《北大讲座》第二十辑 2009.5
195、“后意识形态时代”精神世界的“中国问题” 《中国社会科学学术前沿》(2008-2009)
196、我国社会文化“多”与“一”的现状和特点 《江苏行政学院学报》 2009.5
197、现代道德教育的“精神”问题 《教育研究》 2009.9
198、当前中国伦理道德状况及其精神哲学分析 《中国社会科学》 2009.4
199、当前我国社会思想的“多”与“一”及其意识形态战略 《哲学动态》2009.11
200、齐康院士建筑艺术的哲学境界与伦理气质 《welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司学报》2009.1
201、当前我国社会群体伦理道德的价值共识与文化冲突 《哲学研究》2010.1
202、“‘德-道’理型与形而上学的中国形态” 《北京大学学报》2010.2
203、伦理病灶的癌变:“贱民”问题 《道德与文明》2010.6
204、伦理道德的历史哲学形态 《学习与探索》2011.1
205、“伦理形态”论 《哲学动态》2011.11
206、道德发展的“中国问题”与中国理论形态 《天津社会科学》 2011.5
207、和解:“精神科学”的当代形态 《学术月刊》2011.11
208、“新传统”的建构与当代中国意识形态的辩证 (第一作者)《江苏行政学院》2011.11
209、文化是一种大学性格 《南京医科大学学报》 社会科学版 2011.4
1、中国伦理史 60课时;
2、中西方哲学与文化 40课时;
3、中国人文管理 40课时;
1、中国伦理研究 36、54课时;
2、黑格尔《精神现象学》研究 54课时;
3、黑格尔《法哲学原理》研究 54课时;
4、当代学术前沿(本人讲授其中一部分) 60课时;
5、经济伦理研究 36课时
4、伦理 (54课时)
2000级(伦理学、管理学): 黄志斌、戴正农、李涛、候亚丁、王珏、左惟、李敏;
2007级:蔡晓霞、王强、庞俊来 赵素锦
Curriculum Vitae for Fan Heping (Fan Hao)
1. Resume
1.1 Natural status
Name: Fan Heping (pseudonym: Fan Hao)
Date of birth: Sep. 8th, 1959
Gender: male
Degree: Ph.D
Title: Chang Jiang professor
Position: Dean of the Humanities School,
Director of the Academic Division of Humanity and Social Science, Southeast University.
Deputy Director of Academic Board, Southeast University, China
Contact details: fhhp@sohu.com, fhhp59@hotmail.com
1.2 Education
1982,7, BA. In Philosophy , Southeast University,China;
1988,3, MA. In Philosophy, Southeast University,China;
1989,6, PhD. In Management, Nanjing University, China.
1.3. Occupations
1988-1992, lecturer, assistant professor, vice chair of Department of Philosophy and Science, Southeast University
1992-1998, professor (the youngest professor of philosophy in China in 1992), chair of Department of Philosophy and Science ,vice dean of College of Humanities, Southeast University,
1999-, professor, dean of College of Humanities, Southeast University,
2008-,the Changjiang Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education of P.R.China;
2009-,Director of the Academic Division of Humanity and Social Science, Southeast University.
1.4. Others
Deputy chair of the Ethic Association of China;
The member of the philosophy department of the social science committee of the China Ministry of Education;
The , member, of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s sPolitical Consultative Conference,1996-;
The Chief Young-middle Scientist of Jiangsu Province.
2. Research Arears
Moral Philosophy;
Chinese ethics;
Moral development;
Spiritual philosophy;
Philosophy of law;
Ethics of Science and technology
3. Research
1, study on the appearance of spiritual philosophy of ethics and morality
The key project of the National philosophy and Social Science Fund. 2010—
2.study on the theory form of modern ethics
The key project of the National philosophy and Social Science Fund. 2010—
3, study on the development of ethics and morality of modern China in theory and practice.
The major project the National philosophy and Social Science Fund. 2005—2009
4, study on the ethics system adapted to the market economy
The project the National philosophy and Social Science Fund. 2001—2004
5,study on the Chinese traditional ethics and the moral education of modern China.2009
The major project the humanity and Social Science Fund of the ministry of education of China.
6,study on the pattern of moral education in the under the background of the mult-culture and information technology 2008
The key project the humanity and Social Science Fund of the ministry of education of China.
7,study on the development tendency of morality and culture of modern society. 2006-2009
The major project the l philosophy and Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Province.
8, study on the harmonious development of economy and culture
The key project of the philosophy and Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Province. 2001---2002
9,the ecology of ethics-economy and moral development 2004-2005
The key project the philosophy and Social Science Fund of Jiangsu Province.
1. The Spirit of the Chinese Ethics Taiwan Wunan Press Co.,Ltd. 1995
Hehai University Press, 1991
2. The Historical Construction of the Chinese Ethic Spirit
Jiangsu People’s Press Jun, 1992
Taiwan Humanity, History and Philosophy Press 1994, 1998,2004
3. The Modern Construction of the Chinese Ethic Spirit
Jiangsu People’s Press Jul, 1997
4. The Ecology of Value of the Ethic Spirit
China Social Science Press Jul, 2001,2007
5,The foundation of the spiritual philosophy of the system of moral metaphysics
China Social Science Press Jul, 2006
6. Morality and Self Jilin Education Press Dec, 1994
7. Confucianism and Japanese Model Taiwan Wunan Press Co.,Ltd, 1995
8. the Humanity Management based the Chinese culture
Taiwan Wunan Press Co.,Ltd, 1995
9. Cultural Conflict and Cultural Strategy
Hebei People’Press Jul, 1994
10, Culture and life
Fujing Education Press Dec.2008.
11,The Report of Ethics and Morality of Contemporary China
China Social Science Press ,2010,
12,The Report of Ideology of the Contemporary China’s
China Social Science Press ,2010,
13. Ethics of Education Nanjing University Press
Dec, 2000 (co-author, chief)
14.Scientific Culture and China’s Modernization Anhui Education Press
Dec, 1992 (co-author, chief)
4. Papers
Since 1986, over 200 papers have been Published. The Following 40 papers is the contents of ‘Fan Hao Selected Works’
= 1 \* ROMAN I, Study on the Ecological Idea of Moral Philosophy
1,The Ecological Rationality of Modern Ethics Spirit
‘Social Science in China’ No1.2001
2,From the World Outlook of Ontology to one of Ecology
‘Philosophy Trends”,No.5.2005
3,The Ecological View of Ethic Structuring in the Conflict of Value
‘Philosophy Research’ No12.1999
4,The Appearance of Moral Philosophy of the “Ecological Civilization”
‘Tianjin Social Science’ No5.2008
5,The Ethic Sprit and It’s Value Ecology
‘Ethics Research”, No4.2007
6,The Ecologic Relations of the Moral System and the Market Economy
‘Journal of Jianghai’ No1.2004
7,The Ecology Dialogue and It’s Ecology Development of the Ethic Sprit”
‘Journal of the Graduate School of the China Academic Institute”, No6.2001
= 2 \* ROMAN II, Study on the Appearance of the Historical Philosophy of the Chinese Ethics
8,The Rationality of Modern Confucianism and the Nostalgia for Confucianism Orthodoxy
‘Social Science in China’ No2.1999.
9,The Tradition of “lun” and It’s End and the “Post-Ethics Time”
‘Philosophy Research” No.6. 2007
10,The Idea of “De-Dao” and the China’s Appearance of the Metaphysics
Journal of Peking University No.1.2010
11,The Structure of Chinese Traditional Ethic Spirit
‘Swan Lake Periodical’ (Taiwan) No3.1992.
12,The Doctrine of Confucius and Mencius and It’s Value Transformation
‘The Research of Confucianism’ No1.1995
13,The Conception System and its Cultural Principles of the Chinese Traditional Ethics
‘Journal of Fudan University’ No3.1993
14,The Value Ecosystem of Chinese Ethical and its Significance in the Interaction of Civilizations
‘Journal of Chinese Renming University’ No.6.2003
= 3 \* ROMAN III, Study on Problems, Methodology and System of the Moral Metaphysics
15,The Limits of the Theory Model of the Economic Determinism to Ethics
‘Journal of Fudan University’ , No.6. 2004
16,The Structure of Moral Philosophy of Weber’s Idea Type of the Relation of Ethics and Economy
‘Journal of Nanjing University’, No.5.2005
17, “the Economic Ethics”: A Virtual Proposition
‘Journal of Chinese Renming University’ No.2005.1
18,The Ethic Entity and the Immorality Unity
‘Academic Monthly’ , No.5.2006
19,The Dialogue and Alienation in the Conception Transplanting of Ethics-Economy
‘Journal of Jianghai’, No.5, 2006
20,The Value Puzzle of Ecological Interaction of Morality-Law in Legal Philosophy System
‘Social Science of Tianjin’, No.4.2004
21, “The Practical Reason” and “the Ethic Spirit”
‘Philosophy Research’ No12.1999, No.1,2005
22,The Methodology System of the Moral Metaphysics
‘Philosophy Research’ No11. 2005
23,The Appearance of the Spiritual Philosophy of the System of Moral Metaphysics
‘Social Science of Tianjin’, No12. 2006
= 4 \* ROMAN IV, Study on the China Problems of Ethics and Morality
24,Spirit Philosophical Analysis on the Current Situations of Chinese Ethics and Morality
‘Social Science in China’ No4.1999.
25,Value Consensus and Cultural Conflicts Among Various Social Communities of Contemporary China
‘Philosophy Research’No.1,2010
26, “the China Problems” of the Sprit World in the Post-Ideology Time
‘the Report of Social Science of China”2008-2009
27,The Cultural Idea and the Breaking of Cultural Puzzles
‘Journal of Fudan University’ , No.3. 1996
28,The Causality of the Good-Evil and the Rationality of Ethics
‘Monthly of China Reseach’,(Japan)No.8,1997
= 5 \* ROMAN V, Study on the Moral Philosophy of High-tchnology
29,The Revolution of Gene Technology in the Field of Moral Philosophy
‘Social Science in China’ No1.2006.
30,The Ethics Meanings of the Gene Technology
‘Monthly of Academy’, No3, 2007
31,The Ethic World in the Mode of the Electronic Information
‘Social Science in China’ No2.2007.
32,The Ethic Mean of High-technology
‘Morality and Civilization’ No.2.2004
= 6 \* ROMAN VI,Study on the Philosophy of Moral Education
33,The Way of the Great Learning” and the Cultural Principle of Chinese Moral Education ‘Education Research’ No1.1996
34,Reflection to the Humanity Character in the University Culture of Anti-Tradition
‘Education Research’ No1.2000.
35,The Initial Point of Value of Moral Education and It’s Puzzles
‘Education Research’ No1.2001.
36,The Ethic Nature of Education and It’s Premise of the Ethic Spirit
‘Education Research’ No1.2001.
37,The Ethic Sense, Moral Sense and the Cultivation of the Practical Moral Spirit
‘Education Research’ No6.2006.
38,The Spirit Problem of Modern Moral Education
‘Education Research’ No6.2006.
39,The Cultural Contradiction of Modern Education
‘Journal of Peking Normal University, No.4, 2005
40,The Educating Form of the Humanistic Quality and It’s Ecology of Knowledge.
‘Education Research’ No8.2005.
5. prizes (index by the time)
1. The Spirit of the Chinese Ethics (monograph)
⑴ 3st prize of national excellent philosophy and social science works (1992)
⑵ 2st prize of humanity and social science achievements of Jiangsu Education Committee (1995 )
2. The Historical Structure of the Chinese Ethic Spirit (monograph)
⑴ 2st prize of philosophy and social science achievement of Jiangsu Provincial Government (1994)
⑵ 2st prize of excellent works in East China (1994 )
3. Scientific Culture and China’s Modernization (co-author)
1st prize of philosophy and social science achievement of Jiangsu Provincial Government (1994)
4. Morality and Self (monograph)
⑴ 1st prize of philosophy and social science achievement of Jiangsu Provincial Government (1997)
⑵ 2st prize of 2nd education scientific excellent achievement of the Ministry of Education of China (1999 )
5. the Humanity Management based the Chinese culture (monograph)
1st prize of excellent philosophy and social science works of Jiangsu Provincial Education Department (1998)
6. Modern Structure of the Chinese Ethic Spirit (monograph)
(1) 1st prize of philosophy and social science achievement of Jiangsu Provincial Government (1998)
(2) 3st prize of 2nd education scientific excellent achievement of the Ministry of Education of China (1999 )
7. The Ecology of Value of the Ethic Spirit (monograph)
1st prize of philosophy and social science achievement of Jiangsu Provincial Government (1998)
8. The foundation of the spiritual philosophy of the system of moral metaphysics(monograph)
1st prize of philosophy and social science achievement of Jiangsu Provincial Government (2007)
2st prize of 2nd education scientific excellent achievement of the Ministry of Education of China (2009 )